Gratitude, or being thankful, is a powerful emotion that has many health benefits.
Does "Gratitude" play a role in our health?
It's a big "yes"!
Gratitude, or being thankful, is a powerful emotion that has many health benefits. It can help to improve physical and psychological well-being by creating positive emotions and reducing stress levels. Studies have shown that those who practice gratitude are more likely to experience higher levels of happiness and life satisfaction than those who do not take the time to be grateful for what they have in their lives.
The first way that practicing gratitude can benefit one’s health is through improved
mental well being. Research has found that expressing thanks leads to increased feelings of optimism which in turn helps reduce depression symptoms as well as improving overall moods throughout the day. Additionally, showing appreciation for others can also lead to an increase in self-esteem due its ability create strong social connections with those around us while helping foster a sense of belonging within our communities; this ultimately reduces loneliness which has been linked with negative impacts on both physical and emotional health outcomes such as cardiovascular disease risk factors or anxiety disorders respectively .
Finally, research suggests there may even be physiological benefits associated with expressing gratitude such as lower blood pressure readings when compared against individuals who don’t practice thankfulness regularly; these findings suggest potential long term implications regarding decreased risks related heart conditions over time if practiced consistently enough over extended periods of time . Overall it appears clear from existing evidence available at this point in time that taking some extra moments each day out appreciate all we have going on around us could go along way towards promoting better overall health outcomes both physically & mentally speaking!